Bell ringers and exit slips are always a challenge for me to squeeze into my lessons. The extra paper, the copies, the distributing, and collecting can all seem like extra work that you don't need. But believe me, a bell ringers and exit slips are so telling that you can use them for a true accurate assessment.
Who gets it? Who doesn't? Who is ready to move on? Who needs to tune in and pay attention?
I give reading quizzes after every chapter, a section, or an act. By then, it's too late if a child is not retaining the material. I noticed some of the Shakespeare comprehension scores were low. So I knew I had to act fast. For years, I watched my math colleagues use these awesome dry erase sleeves. All the students liked using them. How could I use them? -As exit slips or bell ringers!
I easily implemented dry erase sleeves from Oriental Trading. They were inexpensive and awesome quality. The packs of twelve came neatly and were easy to open in the classroom and get quickly organized.
What you'll need
First, I placed one small pre-cut piece of felt into each sleeve. I chose black due to wiping the black dry erase markers and it wouldn't show the residue.
Any thin dry erase markers will do. I recently picked up Staples brand dry erase markers with an attached felt cap for erasing. I recommend always keeping a plain piece of paper in the dry erase sleeve. Then, I photocopied one set of worksheets. Finally, I placed the worksheets inside the sleeves and attached a marker.
This strategy had been working out great with my secondary students.
I attribute this due to my students already having the experience with the dry erase sleeves. During the activity, I walked around and read over their shoulders and was happy to see their progress.
As the students left the room, they handed me their dry erase sleeve. Then during my prep period I read through each of them and recorded a grade in the book for the assessment. This strategy can easily be used to a bell ringer, following the same procedure.
Please note: I received products from Oriental Trading free of charge for me to review and show in use. No other type of compensation was received for this review. This review is based strictly on my honest opinion. I only endorse products that I love and use personally.
Labels: bell ringers, exit slip, grades 4-12, grades 7-12, K-12, literature, middle school, Oriental Trading, save money, secondary ELA, Study All Knight, Super Secondary, teaching materials, Tips and Flips